Steve & Terri , Mill Valley, CA - 5 / 5I just got out of your “Hot Spring” spa using the new “Awaken” aromatherapy to create the right mood and inspire me to tell you our story.
It all began in July 1999, when Terri and I purchased our home in Mill Valley. Although the home needed some upgrading, it had a great back yard that could be magnificent with a complete makeover. We knew that the one thing we had to have was a spa. We consulted our contractor and he said, “I just put a $2,500 spa in a $3,000,000 home I built and it works great.” He gave us a brochure and we picked out the design and style we liked. We decided to hire a landscape architect to draw some plans. We told him about the spa and he said, “If you are going to purchase a spa, go to Creative Energy and check out the “Hot Spring”, they are the only spa to own.” We took a trip to Creative Energy that weekend and meet with Lawson. Needless to say, after our contractor mentioned $2,500 we got a slight dose of sticker shock. After Lawson gave us a complete training about spas, the cost didn’t mean as much. He suggested that we come the next day and try out the different designs, so we did. We tried all the spas and fell in love with the “Classic”. I could not believe the sensation I felt, sitting back in the middle of the spa with the jets on my back and feet at the same time. We were sold and ordered our spa on the spot.
The next step was to consult our landscape architect and have him design an oasis for us with the spa as the focal point. We first thought we should build the spa high enough on the hill so we could appreciate the view of downtown San Francisco. He encouraged us to build it into the hill right outside the door to our master bedroom. “with easy access you will use the spa more” he suggested. He was right.
Terri had back surgery two weeks before our wedding in Sept 1999, and I have had back and neck related problems for years from sitting at a computer so much. Our spa has saved our lives and has improved our quality of life immensely. We are in the spa at least once a day and sometimes twice. I commute to San Bruno, and most of the time on my way home; my only thought is getting into the spa when I arrive. Our very favorite time is at night when it’s dark, with the sound of our water fall and our yard lit up like a Four Seasons resort, and of course, suit are optional at night… Our architect has truly created an oasis for us and our “Hot Spring” spa is the best part. We can’t wait for our landscaping to mature so we will have a complete privacy, even in the daytime.